Today's workout is all about improving your breathing when you swim freestyle!
Warm Up 1x 200 Free 4x 50 Kick 4x 25 Drill Six Kicks 1 Stroke
Drill Set (2x) 2x 25 Drill Paddle on Head 1x 100 Free Bilateral Breathing
Main Set 4x 50 Free Descend 1-4 With Fins 1x 200 Free
Underwater streamline is considered to be the 5th stroke of swimming! It is absolutely the fastest way for a human to move through the...
After more than 12 weeks out of the water, MySwimPro’s co-founders Fares Ksebati, Michael Allon and Adam Oxner met up at Lake St. Clair...
What is SWOLF? Your SWOLF score is a rough measure of efficiency, and it’s calculated per-length as the sum of the time it took...